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Diabetes: Types , Symptoms , Causes and Treatment

 Diabetes or Blood sugar is a condition in which your body’s ability to process blood glucose is damaged.

If you don’t manage your diabetes carefully it can lead to high level of sugar in blood which can cause complications such as stroke or heart attack.

Between 27 to 32 percent of the population in world is diagnosed with diabetes. There are different types of it and you can manage it according to their type. Not all types of diabetes are caused by overweight or improper lifestyle but some also comes from childhood.


Diabetes is categorized in three major types that are:

1. Type 1

2. Type 2

3. Gestational diabetes

Type 1:

Type 1 diabetes also called juvenile diabetes is caused when your system stop making insulin. Person with this type of diabetes has to take artificial diabetes daily.

Type 2:

Unlike type 1, in this type your body still makes insulin but in this type the way your body uses insulin is affected. Your cells in body are not that much responding affectively as before. This type of diabetes can cause obesity.


Gestational diabetes happens to women when they are pregnant. During pregnancy your body is less sensitive in making insulin. But it can be sort out after giving birth. Also it does not happens to all women.


There is another condition called prediabetes. In this condition your sugar level is slightly high but not as much to consider it diabetes. Normal range of sugar is between 70 and 99 mg/dl. In prediabetes it sits between 100 to 125 mg/dl.

The factor causing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are same such as:

·        History of diabetes in family

·        Over weight

·        Giving birth to child weigh mora than 9 pounds while having gestational diabetes in pregnancy

·        High blood pressure

·        Having PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)

·        Sedentary lifestyle

·        Over age (more than 45)


Following are the symptoms if you have type 1 or 2 diabetes:

·        Fatigue

·        Feel hungry more often

·        Weight loss

·        Thirst

·        Frequent urination

·        Slow healing sores

·        Blur vision

·        skin, gum or vaginal infections


Exact causes of diabetes are not known yet. Glucose in your food is taken to the cells by insulin that provide energy. The main causes that resist insulin are as follows:

·        Genes of a person or his environment can affects the enough production of insulin.

·        If there is excessive amount of blood sugar then body will try to make more insulin.

·        With the passing time, insulin works less effectively which results high blood sugar level.

·        Pancreas are unable to deal with excessive amount so blood sugar will move in blood which can cause damage. 



Exercise and diet:

         If you are having type 2 diabetes then you need to make changes in your diet and lifestyle in order to overcome weight gain and maintain your health. You can also consult with a nutritionist who will help you with an active and balanced diet plan.

Avoid eating high sugar foods that provide empty calories like sodas, sweets, fried foods and high sugar deserts.

Try to eat healthy and nutrition diet like vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy, whole grain and nuts.

Exercise can also helpful dealing with diabetes. You need 30 minutes of exercise 5 days of a week. You can swim, ride, walk or do aerobics but also stay cautious with low sugar signs doing exercise such as dizziness, sweating and weakness.



People with type 1 diabetes are insulin dependent. Some people with type 2 diabetes also use it.

There are several types of insulin available that can be mild, intermediate, rapid, regular or long term. Some people use long lasting insulin to maintain sugar level for a long term while others use short acting insulin. In either type a person needs to keep a check on their blood sugar level by self-monitoring method using finger stick.


For type 2 diabetic patients doctor prescribed medicines. They refer metformin that helps in lowering blood sugar and making insulin effective in your body.

SLGT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptors agonist are medicines given to diabetes patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease.



         For an effective management of diabetes it is essential to check your sugar level by self-monitoring.  These self-monitoring blood glucose machines comes with a reader and a strip to see reading and a lancing device with which you can prick finger for a drop of blood.


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