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Acne : Causes, Syptoms and Treatment

What is acne?

Almost everyone in life experience pimples at any point in life that is why it is called “common acne”. When the oil glands in skin also called sebaceous glands open ups tiny openings for hair follicles, acne start appearing. If these openings are large then it will take form of black heads and if they are small they will become whiteheads that are small colored flesh bumps.

Acne is a major problem in youngsters and also worst for the people with oily skin. Acne wounds are more common on face but they can also appear on the neck, chest, upper arms and shoulder.


·        Swelling in skin sometimes filled with pus. Common areas are face, neck, chest, upper body and shoulders.
·        Another symptom is blackheads (open pores with dark center) and whiteheads that are under skin appear.
·        Some lumps can appear under skin that are solid and painful called nodules.
You need to see doctor if your acne is making you uncomfortable or some kind of scratches, spots and patches are showing up in your skin. Also if remedies are not affective anymore on your skin.



                        The exact cause of acne is not understood. Stress can aggravate acne but it does not cause it clearly.

Increase in hormone production can start a common acne in teenagers. During the period of puberty. Hence hormones and heredity are considered main causes behind acne.

Bacteria is another cause of acne. Excessive amount of sebum open ups hair follicles in skin bacteria grows in these openings/follicles. Blackheads or whiteheads are made in these area that breaks walls of follicles and sebum leaks to nearby tissues in body and this forms a papule called inflammatory acne.


                        Pimples that appear occasionally are no harm and they can be hide using concealer. If you have severe acne then you can have different therapies to get rid of it. But you need to take cautions before taking them as every therapy has its side effects.

  • You can also treat your acne by using gentle soap and cleaning your face with water. Harsh face wash can make it worse.
  • You can use many cleansers to make your skin oil free.
  • Doctor can prescribed some drugs that contain benzoyl peroxide which helps preventing bacteria. It can take more than 4 weeks to work.
  • There are abnormal shedding of cell on your skin they can be treated by using salicylic acid. It is only effective when you will keep using it once you stop acne will reappear.
  • Alcohol and acetones are combined in some anti acne drugs as alcohol worksfor removing bacteria and acetone helps to remove oil from your skin.


                        To avoid acne there are few things you can follow:

·        There are acne products that have ingredients that dry your skin so always use moisturizers to prevent skin peeling and dryness.
·        Use less makeup. Avoid using liquid blush and powder. Always use noncomedogenic makeup that are the products that don’t cause acne.
·        Also take care of what you apply on your hair as they can fall off on your face and cause avoid more oils, gels and fragrances. Try to use mild shampoo and conditioner. 

Risk factors:

                        There are some factors that can trigger acne and make it worst such as

·        Stress
·        Medicines
·        Hormonal change
·        Age (high risk in teenagers)
·        Pressure on your skin(use of telephone, cellphones, helmets etc)

Acne in pregnancy:

Along with other side effects, acne is also common in pregnancy. Every one out of two pregnant women face acne problem that starts in first trimester.

This is due to the increase level of hormones producing during pregnancy as your skin is producing extra oils. Dealing with acne in pregnancy is hard and tricky.

Avoid using any kind of medications for acne in pregnancy. Instead,  you can try home remedies that are drug free. But before doing anything to deal with it you need to talk to your doctor what he recommends that is best for you.


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